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Home 9 Fiddle Leaf Fig 9 How to Fix Leggy Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants

How to Fix Leggy Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants

May 27, 2023

Have you noticed your once lush and compact fiddle leaf fig plant becoming tall, spindly, and leggy? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many fiddle leaf fig owners encounter this common issue known as etiolation. Fortunately, there are several effective techniques to rectify the problem and restore your plant to its full, vibrant glory. In this article, we will explore the phenomenon of leggy fiddle leaf figs and provide you with practical solutions to fix them.

1. Etiolation: Understanding the Phenomenon of Leggy Fiddle Leaf Figs

Before delving into the solutions, it’s essential to understand what causes a fiddle leaf fig to become leggy. Etiolation occurs when a plant doesn’t receive adequate light, causing it to stretch and reach towards the light source. Insufficient sunlight or inappropriate lighting conditions lead to elongated stems and sparse foliage. Now, let’s explore how you can provide your fiddle leaf fig with the right environment for healthy growth and Fix Leggy Fiddle Leaf Fig .

2. Providing Adequate Light

2.1 Placing the Plant in the Sunniest Spot in Your House

One of the primary reasons fiddle leaf figs become leggy is due to insufficient sunlight exposure. Ensure your plant is placed in the sunniest area of your home, preferably near a south-facing window. This will provide the necessary light intensity for optimal growth.

2.2 Using a Grow Light if Needed

grow light for fiddle leaf fig

If your home doesn’t receive ample natural light, supplementing with a grow light can be beneficial. LED grow lights are a popular choice as they emit the right spectrum of light for plant growth. Position the grow light above your fiddle leaf fig, following the manufacturer’s guidelines for the recommended duration and distance.

2.3 Keeping the Leaves Clean for Optimal Sunlight Absorption

fiddle leaf fig leaves clean

Dust and dirt can accumulate on the leaves, obstructing sunlight absorption. Regularly clean the leaves using a soft, damp cloth to remove any dust particles. This will ensure maximum light penetration and help prevent leggy growth.

3. Fertilization

3.1 Importance of Regular Fertilization

Proper nutrition is crucial for maintaining a healthy fiddle leaf fig and encouraging robust growth. Fertilizing your plant regularly provides essential nutrients that may be lacking in the soil, promoting foliage development and preventing legginess.

3.2 Recommending Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food

Choose a high-quality, balanced fertilizer specifically formulated for fiddle leaf figs. Look for a fertilizer with a higher concentration of nitrogen, which promotes leafy growth. Follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer to avoid overfertilization.

3.3 Providing Nutrients Consistently for Healthy Growth

Consistency is key when it comes to fertilizing your fiddle leaf fig. Apply the fertilizer at regular intervals, typically every two to four weeks during the growing season. This consistent nutrient supply will support healthy leaf development and help prevent legginess.

4. Repotting

Pick a pot that is one or two inches larger than the current pot

4.1 Considering Repotting if the Plant Looks Unhappy or Leggy

If your fiddle leaf fig appears unhealthy or excessively leggy, it may be time to consider repotting. A fresh pot with nutrient-rich soil can provide the necessary resources for your plant’s recovery.

4.2 Choosing a Larger Pot with Fresh Soil for More Nutrients and Space

Select a pot that is one or two sizes larger than the current one. This will give the roots more room to grow and absorb nutrients. Fill the pot with a well-draining soil mix suitable for fiddle leaf figs, ensuring it provides the right balance of moisture and aeration.

4.3 Allowing the Root Ball to Expand and Promote Leaf Growth

When repotting, carefully loosen the root ball to encourage outward growth. Gently massage the roots and untangle any that have become tightly wound. This will stimulate new root development and ultimately lead to healthier foliage.

How to Repot a Fiddle Leaf Fig Step-by-Step Guide

5. Pruning

5.1 Pruning Techniques to Encourage Branching

Pruning is a valuable technique for shaping and rejuvenating leggy fiddle leaf figs. Identify the long, bare stems and trim them back to a desired height. Make clean cuts just above a leaf node to encourage new growth and branching.

5.2 Stimulating More Leaves Within the Existing Structure

In addition to pruning longer stems, consider removing a few leaves from the top portion of the plant. This encourages the growth of new leaves and directs energy towards areas that need more foliage. Be cautious not to remove too many leaves at once, as it can stress the plant.

6. Notching

6.1 Using Notching to Promote New Branches Without Leaf Removal

Notching is a technique that stimulates the growth of new branches without the need to remove existing leaves. It involves creating small incisions in the stem, which encourages dormant buds to sprout and develop into new branches.

6.2 Creating Notches or Cuts Within the Plant for Growth Stimulation

To notch your fiddle leaf fig, make shallow cuts on the stem just below a leaf node. Use a clean, sharp knife and be careful not to damage the stem or remove too much bark. This technique can help increase the plant’s fullness and minimize leggy growth.

7. Bonus Tip: Combining Leggy Fiddle Leaf Figs

7.1 Grouping Multiple Plants Together in One Pot

If you have multiple leggy fiddle leaf figs, you can combine them in a single pot. This technique creates a denser and bushier appearance. Choose a larger pot that can accommodate all the plants comfortably.

7.2 Supporting Them and Allowing Them to Grow into a Bushier Plant

As the plants grow together, provide support such as stakes or moss poles. This will help them remain upright and encourage upward growth. Regularly adjust and secure the support structures as needed.

7.3 Benefits of Combined Root Systems and Improved Humidity

When plants share a pot, their root systems intertwine, benefiting from improved nutrient uptake. Additionally, the combined plants create a microclimate that can help maintain higher humidity levels, which is advantageous for fiddle leaf figs.

8. Conclusion and Closing Remarks

In conclusion, leggy fiddle leaf fig plants can be rectified with proper care and attention. By understanding the phenomenon of legginess and implementing the suggested solutions, you can restore your fiddle leaf fig’s compact and healthy appearance. Remember to provide adequate light, regular fertilization, consider repotting if necessary, utilize pruning and notching techniques, and explore the benefits of combining multiple plants in one pot. With these strategies, your fiddle leaf fig will thrive and add beauty to your indoor space.


1. How often should I clean the leaves of my fiddle leaf fig?

Cleaning the leaves once every two to three weeks is generally sufficient to remove dust and ensure optimal sunlight absorption.

2. Can I use regular plant fertilizer for my fiddle leaf fig?

It is best to use a fertilizer specifically formulated for fiddle leaf figs, as they have specific nutritional requirements.

3. Is it normal for fiddle leaf figs to grow tall?

Fiddle leaf figs naturally have an upright growth habit, but excessive height and leggy growth indicate insufficient light.

4. Should I cut off all the leggy stems at once?

It’s advisable to prune leggy stems gradually to avoid shocking the plant. Trim a few stems at a time and monitor the plant’s response before proceeding further.

5. Can I propagate new fiddle leaf fig plants from the notched stems?

Yes, notched stems can be used for propagation. Place them in water or a well-draining rooting medium, and with time, they can develop into new plants.


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